20% Project week-2

I am trying to do around the world for my 20% project and that is trying to get a soccer ball around your whole foot and without it touching the ground. I have completely accomplished week one and I just kept trying to keep it the soccer ball below my knee and up in the air for as long as I can. I did have a struggle and it was trying to maintain the ball for more than 10 juggles and I was supposed to get 20 juggles ,but at the end I got all 20 juggles. I would make an adjustment like the way I point my foot and control the ball that’s how I would get more juggles and be more successful and not to give up. Were I am going to pick up is on week 2 and trying to get the movement of the ball and trying to figure out how to catch the ball when it is falling or I am losing position of the ball.

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